01Set up the Game

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Separate the suspect, weapon, and room cards into three stacks.
  • Shuffle each stack separately and without looking, draw one card from each stack and place them in the confidential envelope. These cards represent the correct solution to the murder.
  • Deal the remaining cards to each player evenly. If there are fewer than six players, some players may have more cards than others.
  • Each player should keep their cards hidden from other players.

02Determine the Murder Cards

  • The three cards in the envelope represent the murder suspect, weapon, and room.
  • These cards are removed from the rest of the deck and should not be shown to anyone until the end of the game.

03Deal the Clue Cards

  • Shuffle the remaining suspect, weapon, and room cards together.
  • Deal the shuffled cards to each player, face-down, until all the cards are distributed.
  • Players should hold their cards so that they can see the backs of the cards but not the faces.

04Make Suggestions

  • On your turn, move your character token to a room. This is where you make a suggestion.
  • Suggest a suspect, weapon, and room for the murder. For example, you could say, 'I suggest that the murder was committed by Colonel Mustard, with the candlestick, in the library.'
  • The player to your left must show you one card if they have any of the suggested cards in their hand.
  • Continue clockwise around the table, with each player having the opportunity to show a card if they have any of the suggested cards.
  • If a player shows you a card, you can cross off that card from your detective notebook.
  • If no player has a suggested card, the suggestion ends and play continues to the next player.

05Solve the Crime

  • As you gather information from the suggestions, start narrowing down the possibilities and make educated guesses.
  • When you think you have solved the murder, you can announce your accusation on your turn.
  • Open the confidential envelope and check if your accusation matches the cards inside.
  • If your accusation is correct, you win the game!
  • If your accusation is incorrect, you are out of the game, but you can still make suggestions to help other players solve the crime.


Clue is a fun and challenging game that will test your deduction skills. It requires strategic thinking and careful observation to solve the mystery. Gather your friends and family, and enjoy a thrilling game of Clue!

1Set up the Game
2Determine the Murder Cards
3Deal the Clue Cards
4Make Suggestions
5Solve the Crime
board game
murder mystery